26 Jul 2024


Why spending more time on analysis will boost your revenue

Why spending more time on analysis will boost your revenue

Businesses often spend too much time on data collection and reporting instead of analysis. Deep analysis uncovers hidden patterns, boosting growth and profitability.

Many businesses tend to devote a lot of their time to collecting data, making reports, and doing all the prep work and lose time on actually analyzing. Dedicating more time to in-depth data examination can be a game-changer for your company's growth and profitability. 

Analysing for a game publisher 

Imagine you're a game publisher. Let’s take a hypothetical example like Paradox Interactive, known for complex strategy games like Stellaris. On the surface, your player engagement metrics might look stable across different regions. However, by dedicating more time to in-depth analysis, you uncover a fascinating pattern in Southeast Asian markets.

Your data reveals that players from Vietnam, when matched with Chinese players on Hong Kong servers, tend to abandon matches 40% more frequently than average. Intriguingly, the same Vietnamese players show above-average engagement when matched with Filipino or Malaysian players on Singapore servers. Further investigation indicates that language barriers and historical geopolitical tensions might be contributing factors.

Armed with this insight, you implement a sophisticated matchmaking algorithm that prioritizes cultural compatibility alongside skill level. The system now preferentially matches Vietnamese players with others from Southeast Asia, while still maintaining balanced gameplay.

The results are remarkable. Within three months of implementation, match abandonment rates for Vietnamese players drop by 35%. More importantly, average play session length increases by 22%, and in-game purchases from the Vietnamese market surge by 18%. The improved gaming experience not only boosts player retention but also significantly impacts your bottom line.

This deep-dive analysis also prompts you to invest in better translation and localization for in-game chat, further breaking down communication barriers. You even introduce culturally specific in-game events that resonate with different Southeast Asian player bases, fostering a more inclusive gaming environment.

This hypothetical example illustrates how dedicating time to thorough data analysis can uncover nuanced cultural dynamics that surface-level metrics might miss. By addressing these hidden factors, you can dramatically improve player experience and, consequently, your game's commercial success. 

Analysing for a SaaS company

Another hypothetical example of a SaaS company like Atlassian, the company behind popular project management tools like Jira and Trello. On the surface, their quarterly reports show steady growth across their product suite. However, a deeper, more time-intensive analysis reveals a complex picture that's far from uniform.

By meticulously examining user behavior patterns across different industries, company sizes, and geographic regions, the data science team uncovers a surprising trend. They notice that while adoption of their core products is strong, there's a significant drop-off in usage of their newer, AI-powered features among mid-sized healthcare companies in Europe.

Further investigation reveals that these healthcare companies are hesitant to fully embrace AI tools due to concerns about data privacy and GDPR compliance. This insight is invaluable, as it's not something that would be apparent from top-line revenue figures or basic usage statistics.

Armed with this knowledge, they can take several targeted actions:

  1. They develop a specialized version of their AI features that processes all data locally, addressing the specific privacy concerns of European healthcare companies.

  2. They create tailored educational content focusing on data security and compliance, designed specifically for this sector.

  3. They adjust their sales strategy, training their European healthcare sales team to address these concerns proactively.

  4. They initiate a co-creation program with select healthcare clients to ensure future features align with their unique needs.

Within six months, the adoption of AI features among European mid-sized healthcare companies increases by 72%. More impressively, this sector's overall product usage rises by 28%, and their churn rate drops by 40% compared to the previous year.

The detailed analysis also reveals an unexpected correlation: companies that engage with Atlassian's community forums within the first month of adoption show a 3.5x higher likelihood of renewing their subscription and a 2.8x higher probability of upgrading to more advanced plans within the first year.

This insight prompts them to revamp their onboarding process. They now include personalized invitations to relevant community forum discussions as part of their welcome sequence. They also gamify early community participation, offering exclusive badges and early access to beta features for active contributors.

The impact is substantial. Overall, first-year retention rates improve by 18%, and the ARPU in the second year increases by 23%.

Improving analysis

Tasks like, collecting data, creating reports, etc. takes up over 80% of your time. unmess is designed to support in-depth data examination by automating data collection, reducing human errors, and streamlining report generation. Here's how it facilitates the kind of deep analysis we've discussed:

  1. Automated Data Collection: unmess captures and categorizes user actions automatically, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This saves time but also ensures a comprehensive dataset for analysis. For instance, in our game publisher example, unmess could automatically track player interactions, server connections, and in-game purchases, providing a rich, error-free dataset for deeper analysis.

  2. Error Reduction: By minimizing human intervention in data handling, unmess significantly reduces the risk of errors. This is crucial when dealing with complex datasets, like the regional player behaviors we explored in the Paradox Interactive example. Accurate data is the foundation of insightful analysis.

  3. Customizable Reporting: unmess allows teams to create tailored reports that dig deep into specific metrics. For the Atlassian case, this could mean generating detailed reports on AI feature adoption rates across different regions and industries, making it easier to spot trends like the European healthcare sector's hesitancy.

  4. Real-time Data Processing: Unlike traditional systems that might process data in batches, unmess offers real-time data processing. This allows analysts to identify and investigate trends as they emerge, supporting the kind of agile decision-making that led to Atlassian's successful community engagement strategy.

  5. Advanced Correlation Analysis: unmess's sophisticated algorithms can identify unexpected correlations in user behavior, similar to how Atlassian discovered the link between early community engagement and higher lifetime value. This feature prompts analysts to explore angles they might not have considered otherwise.

  6. Scenario Modeling: With its comprehensive data and flexible reporting, unmess enables teams to easily model different scenarios. This is particularly useful for sensitivity analyses, like testing how different matchmaking algorithms might affect player engagement and retention.

Using unmess, finance teams can overcome many of the obstacles that typically prevent deep, thorough analysis. The platform handles the time-consuming tasks of data collection and organization, allowing analysts to focus their time and energy on analysis.

Many businesses tend to devote a lot of their time to collecting data, making reports, and doing all the prep work and lose time on actually analyzing. Dedicating more time to in-depth data examination can be a game-changer for your company's growth and profitability. 

Analysing for a game publisher 

Imagine you're a game publisher. Let’s take a hypothetical example like Paradox Interactive, known for complex strategy games like Stellaris. On the surface, your player engagement metrics might look stable across different regions. However, by dedicating more time to in-depth analysis, you uncover a fascinating pattern in Southeast Asian markets.

Your data reveals that players from Vietnam, when matched with Chinese players on Hong Kong servers, tend to abandon matches 40% more frequently than average. Intriguingly, the same Vietnamese players show above-average engagement when matched with Filipino or Malaysian players on Singapore servers. Further investigation indicates that language barriers and historical geopolitical tensions might be contributing factors.

Armed with this insight, you implement a sophisticated matchmaking algorithm that prioritizes cultural compatibility alongside skill level. The system now preferentially matches Vietnamese players with others from Southeast Asia, while still maintaining balanced gameplay.

The results are remarkable. Within three months of implementation, match abandonment rates for Vietnamese players drop by 35%. More importantly, average play session length increases by 22%, and in-game purchases from the Vietnamese market surge by 18%. The improved gaming experience not only boosts player retention but also significantly impacts your bottom line.

This deep-dive analysis also prompts you to invest in better translation and localization for in-game chat, further breaking down communication barriers. You even introduce culturally specific in-game events that resonate with different Southeast Asian player bases, fostering a more inclusive gaming environment.

This hypothetical example illustrates how dedicating time to thorough data analysis can uncover nuanced cultural dynamics that surface-level metrics might miss. By addressing these hidden factors, you can dramatically improve player experience and, consequently, your game's commercial success. 

Analysing for a SaaS company

Another hypothetical example of a SaaS company like Atlassian, the company behind popular project management tools like Jira and Trello. On the surface, their quarterly reports show steady growth across their product suite. However, a deeper, more time-intensive analysis reveals a complex picture that's far from uniform.

By meticulously examining user behavior patterns across different industries, company sizes, and geographic regions, the data science team uncovers a surprising trend. They notice that while adoption of their core products is strong, there's a significant drop-off in usage of their newer, AI-powered features among mid-sized healthcare companies in Europe.

Further investigation reveals that these healthcare companies are hesitant to fully embrace AI tools due to concerns about data privacy and GDPR compliance. This insight is invaluable, as it's not something that would be apparent from top-line revenue figures or basic usage statistics.

Armed with this knowledge, they can take several targeted actions:

  1. They develop a specialized version of their AI features that processes all data locally, addressing the specific privacy concerns of European healthcare companies.

  2. They create tailored educational content focusing on data security and compliance, designed specifically for this sector.

  3. They adjust their sales strategy, training their European healthcare sales team to address these concerns proactively.

  4. They initiate a co-creation program with select healthcare clients to ensure future features align with their unique needs.

Within six months, the adoption of AI features among European mid-sized healthcare companies increases by 72%. More impressively, this sector's overall product usage rises by 28%, and their churn rate drops by 40% compared to the previous year.

The detailed analysis also reveals an unexpected correlation: companies that engage with Atlassian's community forums within the first month of adoption show a 3.5x higher likelihood of renewing their subscription and a 2.8x higher probability of upgrading to more advanced plans within the first year.

This insight prompts them to revamp their onboarding process. They now include personalized invitations to relevant community forum discussions as part of their welcome sequence. They also gamify early community participation, offering exclusive badges and early access to beta features for active contributors.

The impact is substantial. Overall, first-year retention rates improve by 18%, and the ARPU in the second year increases by 23%.

Improving analysis

Tasks like, collecting data, creating reports, etc. takes up over 80% of your time. unmess is designed to support in-depth data examination by automating data collection, reducing human errors, and streamlining report generation. Here's how it facilitates the kind of deep analysis we've discussed:

  1. Automated Data Collection: unmess captures and categorizes user actions automatically, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This saves time but also ensures a comprehensive dataset for analysis. For instance, in our game publisher example, unmess could automatically track player interactions, server connections, and in-game purchases, providing a rich, error-free dataset for deeper analysis.

  2. Error Reduction: By minimizing human intervention in data handling, unmess significantly reduces the risk of errors. This is crucial when dealing with complex datasets, like the regional player behaviors we explored in the Paradox Interactive example. Accurate data is the foundation of insightful analysis.

  3. Customizable Reporting: unmess allows teams to create tailored reports that dig deep into specific metrics. For the Atlassian case, this could mean generating detailed reports on AI feature adoption rates across different regions and industries, making it easier to spot trends like the European healthcare sector's hesitancy.

  4. Real-time Data Processing: Unlike traditional systems that might process data in batches, unmess offers real-time data processing. This allows analysts to identify and investigate trends as they emerge, supporting the kind of agile decision-making that led to Atlassian's successful community engagement strategy.

  5. Advanced Correlation Analysis: unmess's sophisticated algorithms can identify unexpected correlations in user behavior, similar to how Atlassian discovered the link between early community engagement and higher lifetime value. This feature prompts analysts to explore angles they might not have considered otherwise.

  6. Scenario Modeling: With its comprehensive data and flexible reporting, unmess enables teams to easily model different scenarios. This is particularly useful for sensitivity analyses, like testing how different matchmaking algorithms might affect player engagement and retention.

Using unmess, finance teams can overcome many of the obstacles that typically prevent deep, thorough analysis. The platform handles the time-consuming tasks of data collection and organization, allowing analysts to focus their time and energy on analysis.

Many businesses tend to devote a lot of their time to collecting data, making reports, and doing all the prep work and lose time on actually analyzing. Dedicating more time to in-depth data examination can be a game-changer for your company's growth and profitability. 

Analysing for a game publisher 

Imagine you're a game publisher. Let’s take a hypothetical example like Paradox Interactive, known for complex strategy games like Stellaris. On the surface, your player engagement metrics might look stable across different regions. However, by dedicating more time to in-depth analysis, you uncover a fascinating pattern in Southeast Asian markets.

Your data reveals that players from Vietnam, when matched with Chinese players on Hong Kong servers, tend to abandon matches 40% more frequently than average. Intriguingly, the same Vietnamese players show above-average engagement when matched with Filipino or Malaysian players on Singapore servers. Further investigation indicates that language barriers and historical geopolitical tensions might be contributing factors.

Armed with this insight, you implement a sophisticated matchmaking algorithm that prioritizes cultural compatibility alongside skill level. The system now preferentially matches Vietnamese players with others from Southeast Asia, while still maintaining balanced gameplay.

The results are remarkable. Within three months of implementation, match abandonment rates for Vietnamese players drop by 35%. More importantly, average play session length increases by 22%, and in-game purchases from the Vietnamese market surge by 18%. The improved gaming experience not only boosts player retention but also significantly impacts your bottom line.

This deep-dive analysis also prompts you to invest in better translation and localization for in-game chat, further breaking down communication barriers. You even introduce culturally specific in-game events that resonate with different Southeast Asian player bases, fostering a more inclusive gaming environment.

This hypothetical example illustrates how dedicating time to thorough data analysis can uncover nuanced cultural dynamics that surface-level metrics might miss. By addressing these hidden factors, you can dramatically improve player experience and, consequently, your game's commercial success. 

Analysing for a SaaS company

Another hypothetical example of a SaaS company like Atlassian, the company behind popular project management tools like Jira and Trello. On the surface, their quarterly reports show steady growth across their product suite. However, a deeper, more time-intensive analysis reveals a complex picture that's far from uniform.

By meticulously examining user behavior patterns across different industries, company sizes, and geographic regions, the data science team uncovers a surprising trend. They notice that while adoption of their core products is strong, there's a significant drop-off in usage of their newer, AI-powered features among mid-sized healthcare companies in Europe.

Further investigation reveals that these healthcare companies are hesitant to fully embrace AI tools due to concerns about data privacy and GDPR compliance. This insight is invaluable, as it's not something that would be apparent from top-line revenue figures or basic usage statistics.

Armed with this knowledge, they can take several targeted actions:

  1. They develop a specialized version of their AI features that processes all data locally, addressing the specific privacy concerns of European healthcare companies.

  2. They create tailored educational content focusing on data security and compliance, designed specifically for this sector.

  3. They adjust their sales strategy, training their European healthcare sales team to address these concerns proactively.

  4. They initiate a co-creation program with select healthcare clients to ensure future features align with their unique needs.

Within six months, the adoption of AI features among European mid-sized healthcare companies increases by 72%. More impressively, this sector's overall product usage rises by 28%, and their churn rate drops by 40% compared to the previous year.

The detailed analysis also reveals an unexpected correlation: companies that engage with Atlassian's community forums within the first month of adoption show a 3.5x higher likelihood of renewing their subscription and a 2.8x higher probability of upgrading to more advanced plans within the first year.

This insight prompts them to revamp their onboarding process. They now include personalized invitations to relevant community forum discussions as part of their welcome sequence. They also gamify early community participation, offering exclusive badges and early access to beta features for active contributors.

The impact is substantial. Overall, first-year retention rates improve by 18%, and the ARPU in the second year increases by 23%.

Improving analysis

Tasks like, collecting data, creating reports, etc. takes up over 80% of your time. unmess is designed to support in-depth data examination by automating data collection, reducing human errors, and streamlining report generation. Here's how it facilitates the kind of deep analysis we've discussed:

  1. Automated Data Collection: unmess captures and categorizes user actions automatically, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This saves time but also ensures a comprehensive dataset for analysis. For instance, in our game publisher example, unmess could automatically track player interactions, server connections, and in-game purchases, providing a rich, error-free dataset for deeper analysis.

  2. Error Reduction: By minimizing human intervention in data handling, unmess significantly reduces the risk of errors. This is crucial when dealing with complex datasets, like the regional player behaviors we explored in the Paradox Interactive example. Accurate data is the foundation of insightful analysis.

  3. Customizable Reporting: unmess allows teams to create tailored reports that dig deep into specific metrics. For the Atlassian case, this could mean generating detailed reports on AI feature adoption rates across different regions and industries, making it easier to spot trends like the European healthcare sector's hesitancy.

  4. Real-time Data Processing: Unlike traditional systems that might process data in batches, unmess offers real-time data processing. This allows analysts to identify and investigate trends as they emerge, supporting the kind of agile decision-making that led to Atlassian's successful community engagement strategy.

  5. Advanced Correlation Analysis: unmess's sophisticated algorithms can identify unexpected correlations in user behavior, similar to how Atlassian discovered the link between early community engagement and higher lifetime value. This feature prompts analysts to explore angles they might not have considered otherwise.

  6. Scenario Modeling: With its comprehensive data and flexible reporting, unmess enables teams to easily model different scenarios. This is particularly useful for sensitivity analyses, like testing how different matchmaking algorithms might affect player engagement and retention.

Using unmess, finance teams can overcome many of the obstacles that typically prevent deep, thorough analysis. The platform handles the time-consuming tasks of data collection and organization, allowing analysts to focus their time and energy on analysis.

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